2016 April 13th: At the moment I'm completely drowning in work, bookkeeping etc, hardly finding time for the family. I'm popping, if and when I find the time. Usually things get easier during May. Sorry for the inconvenience !!!
2015: Daughter was born on due date, 22nd Jan!
Everything's fine, I'm just "slightly" busy ;o)
And wow, we've reached 40 million "rockers"!
I'm at 849 connections, not GM atm.
Send connection request through blue bubbles:
Something about me:
* I've played this game since January 2009, and I'm not about to quit, so if you play, just send a request.
* I usually go through the connections report once a month, when I find the time. If there happens to be zeroes, I DO read wall messages and if it seems someone's been away only a short time, I don't bother to drop them, maybe next month then ;o)
* Years 2010 and 2012-14 I've been popping very regularly 5-7/7 until again the day I gave birth to my 2nd daughter =) Now I'm trying to pop whenever I find time from my baby girl and running our small shop, so:
* My popping rate at the moment is anything between 4-7/7, I most often don't open the computer during weekends and if I do, sometimes I get "called away" by my daughters, hence rarely popping during weekends.
40 million thanks to all my current and previous connections,
may you all live long and prosper!
Updated: over 8 years ago