Just found the time and courage to delete some 400 inactive cities. Sad to notice that no less than 10 have RIP message(s) on their walls :-(
The oil city of Dhahran is in Saudi Arabia but the mayor resides in her home country Malaysia.
The weather in Kajang, Malaysia is as always rainy/cloudy and humid with daily temperatures of 28-35degC.
Please ENTERTAIN even at 100%.
For connected cities, autopopulate will be done whenever convenient, but there may be periods of inactivity. Special appreciation to the connected mayors who still keep the connection to Dhahran despite long periods of inactivity or erratic popping.
If you came and explored, then found some population, they must have been some illegal aliens the mayor has no information about. The mayor would love to legalise them but is equally happy if you take them with you (so the mayor is spared from having to euthanize some over-privileged over-staying tourists --- haha just kidding!)
If you found money, it must also had been the property of those illegal aliens, if not the mayor would have found a way to tax 40% of it.
If you found souvenirs, hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
If you did not find anything, sorry, but do come visit another day.
The mayor appreciates all gifts/bonuses posted and will try to do the same when time/energy permits. I am playing from a tablet/phone, so exploring is somewhat tedious.
THIS IS JUST A GAME. Everybody can do whatever they choose: POP or ENT another city or not at all; return favors or not; connect or disconnect or impose whatever conditions to accept/maintain connections; explore or not; post gifts/bonuses or not; write whatever they want on their own city message or wall; delete any message on their own wall; or close or open their own wall. No prejudice. Just be civil if a you choose to write on DHAHRAN's wall.
Thank you for visiting DHAHRAN, the oil capital of Saudi Arabia where the mayor spent 13 years of her (real) life:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhahran .
Updated: over 2 years ago