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Our name reflects the fact, that CHRISTmas, is vitally important as it's about a one time gift that benefits all in the world, for those who accept the sacrifice on the cross.
However, let me say, that all of this is transitory & temporary. Considering Purim & the book of Esther, realize that G-d has an agenda in the affairs of man. He is not an idle spectator, far from it. He's a willing & ongoing participant with each of us. The book of Esther blatantly demonstrates that.
It was Mordechai (YAY!!), who told his niece Esther (again YAY!!!) that if she didn't participate in the salvation of her people, the Jews, that G-d could effect their salvation from another direction. Another savior was out there.
This is a message for the Jewish people. When you take into consideration, the picture that Passover presents & Hanukkah too, their salvation from the chain & bondage of sin has been on His mind, from before the creation of the world. He told Ezekiel, that He was fed up with their meaningless & endless sacrifices.
This was because, even though they were carrying out the law, their hearts weren’t in it. That’s like being married & just going through the formalities, having no real intimate communication with a mate. Everything is superficial. Suppose that you had a relationship with someone who did things by rote, but with no heart in the relationship. Well, that’s what the Jews had in those days.
Add to that, that they were also pursuing other “godsâ€. These were fertility gods & the worship actually violated G-ds standards as laid out in scripture. That’s like going to see a prostitute, though married. Our society today has a myriad of G-d’s of one sort or another. This is unacceptable & G-d will ultimately cause judgment to fall. Not just on the US of A, but the whole world.
Be ready, for at anytime, He’ll close out this phase of His eternal plan. Those who are His, He’ll remove, as judgment falls during the Great Tribulation, which is promised.
Updated: over 3 years ago