Robin Hood's Barn is now Between the Lions, a name that was chosen by a collective of people and their penguins some time after moving from Antarctica to Madagascar (where there are no lions, except for the stone lions outside a public library, just for the record). We fly the flag of Ukraine purely as a show of solidarity. Most of the population now summers in Antarctica and winters in Madagascar, aside from a few strange birds that insist on making their home in a dungeon in a discreet part of Bavaria.
We are still a tiny cultural Mecca in a place with more penguins than people.
We Antarcticans have always prided ourselves on our South Pole traditions of hospitality. Visitors are invited to take part in our local heritage festivals. Latex is encouraged.
We like books. We really, really, really, really, really like books. The faction that demanded lower taxes recently realized that without high taxes, we cannot have a subsidized book habit, so in keeping with our Every Home And Business A Bodleian philosophy, we raised our taxes and are experiencing a crunch. We ask that all visitors entertain us if we seem glum. Take part in our snowball fights, read to us, perform an oral interpretation of some of our most beloved bedtime literature, or - well, you'll think of something.
ACTIVE DAILY PLAYER/POPPER SINCE DECEMBER 2008 (mostly - I have missed a few days over the years due to migraines, being out of town for a weekend, etc).
Active connections needed (at least 1x per week). I really want to get that popping award, and I can only get it with 950+ active connections. And no, I absolutely do NOT block people who send me connection requests, and won't do that even if I ever get to 1,000 and hit my limit. Good grief.
In case you wondered why this part of Antarctica took a vacation in Madagascar for over a year: It's the same reason Between the Lions stands with Ukraine and condemns Putin. The penguins demanded it. Would you want to be responsible for making penguins unhappy? I wouldn't.
Updated: over 2 years ago