Thank you for visiting Necrophiliadelphia!
The demographical breakdown of our 19,682,788 special city residents:
3,199,856 Great Medical Professionals, 2,040,631 Tycoons, 1,998,585 Military Heroes, 1,533,515 Great Actors, 1,403,159 Great Teachers, 1,239,870 Rock Stars, 1,239,588 Soccer Stars, 1,233,108 Tourists, 1,152,351 Movie Stars, 469,786 Grim Reapers, 439,990 Great Artists, 439,663 Policeman Heroes, 439,552 Fireman Heroes, 439,355 Great Scientists, 380,403 Skeletons, 294,517 Frankenmonsters, 239,657 Nobel Prize Winners, 217,350 Zombies, 211,831 Lycanthropes, 185,460 Count Draculas, 180,359 Cupids, 170,791 Witches, 159,100 Killer Clowns, 143,917 Criminals, 129,352 Spooky Ghosts, 89,078 Goblins, 11,884 Shopaholics, 47 Party Animals, 23 Leprechauns, 8 Easter Bunnys, 2 Homeless.
After residing in Mongolia for 3243 years, 6 months and 20 days, Necrophiliadelphia is celebrating reaching 3.5 Billion Culture by relocating to Madagascar.
Necrophiliadelphia ended it's time in Mongolia, holding 1st place for Population, Culture and Landmarks, and holding 2nd place for Money.
Necrophiliadelphia began it's time in Madagascar, holding 67th place for Population, 69th for Culture, 68th for Landmarks, and 82nd place for Money.
Necrophiliadelphia is currently holding 52nd place for Population, 49th for Culture, and 53rd for Landmarks.
World Rankings: 382nd place for Population, 270th for Culture, 256th for Landmarks, 168th for Taxable Income, and 316th for Employment. 176th for Revenue/Population, 389th for Culture/Population, 185th for Revenue/Age, 321st for Culture/Age, 396th for Population/Age, and 174th for Total Building Value.
I may have restricted internet access from time-to-time, so I might not be able to auto-pop -every- day. This is rare but power cuts and ISP problems do occur.
When I have normal access, I auto-pop daily and am normally a 7/7 auto-popper.
When I have sent a Connection Request, I rarely RTF while waiting. I see acceptance as proof of activity.
What other players think of me: "Thanks for the 7/7 pops! You're amazing!"
Updated: over 4 years ago