Marcus, Mayor of Bigmillville
This city was founded 4357 years, 7 months and 12 days ago!


United States
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The Bigmillville Wall

Jan Presdee
Jan Presdee
, mayor of
Zululogic Butts City
over 15 years ago

Sorry for the double post would you delte my early one and uuse this thanks.. help you to get pops..POPPED YOU...~~~~ HOMEWORK FOR TODAY ~~~ PLEASE - POP THE CITIES ON THIS LIST – PLEASE added cities If already connected, many will be traveling to these cities- ,,,so take a moment & Post on each cities wall! This will let Each City Know you were there and know you CARE! Have some fun Post to let others know & watch ALL of our cities Grow!!! POP/ENT " target="_self" style="font-size:14px;color:Blue;font-family:Arial Black;"> **Ocean Park**… NEW CITY… POP/ENT **Sweetkittylove **… NEW CITY POP/ENT**Metline ** …….YOUNG CITY POP/ENT ** Sevda Shehri** …….YOUNG CITY POP/ENT **Greater Manchester **..…YOUNG CITY POP/ENT ** Lizart **………..YOUNG CITY POP/ENT" target="_self" style="font-size:14px;color:Blue;font-family:Arial Black;"> **Oz Town**…….……..YOUNG CITY POP/ENT* *Ville De Sainte Anne ** …..YOUNG CITY POP/ENT ** University Landing **… YOUNG CITY POP/ENT" target="_self" style="font-size:14px;color:Blue;font-family:Arial Black;"> **Solo Singletown**……YOUNG CITY ENTERTAIN **Neodor**a>…… YOUNG CITY.. IN HOSPITAL ENTERTAIN** Mayors** …Not New….URGENT HELP ON HOLIDAY… till 7 Nov 2009 **PLEASE POP US COS WE CARE FOR THEM.** " target="_self" style="font-size:18px;color:Teal!important;font-family:Arial Black;">ZULULOGIC CITY– &.." target="_self" style="font-size:18px!important;color:#FF00CC!important;font-family:Arial Black;">BLONDEOPLIS Do NOT FORGET **PLEASE POP** Blondeopolis this MAYOR.. will give you HEAPS of help also....This is a joint Effort.. We will be happy to add to this post if you need help and just starting out!..Write Yes on my POST WALL.............THANK YOU in advance! :-)……

Jan Presdee
Jan Presdee
, mayor of
Zululogic Butts City
over 15 years ago

~~ HOMEWORK FOR TODAY ~~ PLEASE - POP THE CITIES ON THIS LIST – PLEASE If already connected, many will be traveling to these cities- ,,,so take a moment & Post on each cities wall! This will let Each City Know you were there and know you CARE! Have some fun Post to let others know & watch ALL of our cities Grow!!! POP/ENT **Ocean Park**… NEW CITY… POP/ENT **Sweetkittylove **… NEW CITY POP/ENT**Metline ** …….YOUNG CITY POP/ENT ** Sevda Shehri** …….YOUNG CITY POP/ENT **Greater Manchester **..…YOUNG CITY POP/ENT ** Lizart **………..YOUNG CITY POP/ENT **Oz Town**…….……..YOUNG CITY POP/ENT* *Ville De Sainte Anne ** …..YOUNG CITY POP/ENT ** University Landing **… YOUNG CITY ENTERTAIN** Mayors** …Not New….URGENT HELP ON HOLIDAY… till 7 Nov 2009 **PLEASE POP US COS WE CARE FOR THEM.** " target="_self" style="font-size:18px;color:Teal!important;font-family:Arial Black;">ZULULOGIC CITY– &.." target="_self" style="font-size:18px!important;color:#FF00CC!important;font-family:Arial Black;">BLONDEOPLIS Do NOT FORGET **PLEASE POP** Blondeopolis this MAYOR.. will give you HEAPS of help also....This is a joint Effort.. We will be happy to add to this post if you need help and just starting out!..Write Yes on my POST WALL.............THANK YOU in advance! :-)……

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