Welcome to Amsterdam
I AM SORRY my dear friends, I was to busy with my Blessings :) I had No time for METROPOLIS, I do my best to POP of ENT...I you want to leave me, Be my Gast :)
If you know me, I always POPPED EN ENT...
but I had things to do :)
If you want connection feel free to add me click on the blue bubble..but dont add me if you dont have the time to pop or ent.
Every time I deleted a lot of 0/0 poppers
Looking for other Dean's List members? Check out the Dean's List online: http://deanstev.weebly.com/1/category/the dean list/1.html
And now we have Delanie's list for the dailey poppers:
http://metrovip.blogspot.com/ Thank you very much, for all your hard work ! :)
This is my link for the blue bubbles
I am looking for serious connections 5/7 or 7/7 but
I only delete 0/7 poppers when they have no reason for 0/7.
I pop 7/7 thats for sure :)
Updated: over 7 years ago