Kevin, Mayor of New Paris Lafayette
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New Paris Lafayette

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The New Paris Lafayette Wall

Charie D. La Marr
Charie D. La Marr
, mayor of
over 15 years ago

We got him! Persiphonia’s biggest scofflaw, racking up a grand total of 15.969 unpaid parking tickets is finally under arrest! Jose Trumpford has been evading capture for almost 3 years. When we locate a car registered in his name and impound it, he simply buys another and rings up more tickets. Nobody was sure how he was managing to get past the traps we had set up for him at the Department of Motor Vehicles, but now we have learned that it was because he had someone on the inside working with him to keep registering cars. His mother, Marla Trumpford, is one of the supervisors there. Or at least she was. Now, she will be joining him in jail. Like they say, behind every boy is a mother just trying to do the right thing. Jose was captured by police today when he attempted to wedge his 1979 Cadillac Coupe de Ville into a parking space recently vacated by a Mini Cooper. As he backed up, he bumped into the bumper of the Mercedes behind him, triggering the owner’s silent alarm system. Police were called to the scene and found Jose stuck with the front of his car jutting out into traffic. When he saw them coming, he attempted to escape on foot but was pursued by champion marathon runner and police hero Jed Sanderson who easily overtook him and brought him down. In the glove box of the Cadillac were 550 unpaid tickets written just in the last three months. Counting penalties, Jose owes the City of Persiphonia more than a quarter of a million dollars. Since it is obvious that Jose and his sidekick mother (who incidentally has about 100 unpaid tickets of her own) will never be able to come up with that kind of cash, I have come up with a way that we can keep track of Jose and make him a productive citizen at the same time. He isn’t going to like this one bit, but as of Monday he will be assigned to the Police Department motor pool taking care of police cars. At minimum wage, I expect he owes us about 125 years of employment. As for his mother, I haven’t decided on a suitable punishment yet, but the suggestions keep pouring in. Several formerly frustrated Motor Vehicle patrons who were waited on by Marla have written in suggesting they be allowed to place her in stocks in the town square and wait until her number is called. I must admit that does sound like fun. I’ll get back to you on that one. In the meantime, Marla is settling in down at the Women’s House of Detention in the Martha Stewart Wing. Other news in Persiphonia—today one of our Women’s Support Groups celebrated the anniversary of Mick Jagger recording ‘I Can’t Get No Satisfaction’ in 1965. He really didn’t have to bother. Women have known that about men for centuries. And on the other side of town, our local Star Trek contingency donned their Spock ears and held a candlelight vigil to mark the last American television broadcast of the series. Then they went home to their mother’s basements. Please remember to POP or Entertain us back often when you see us down. I am back up to 1000 connections, but have started dumping 2x weekly poppers. I ONLY accept cities who send a FRIEND REQUEST. Don’t ask here and don’t send me a message to my inbox. It can’t keep up with it as it is. ONLY friend requests will be considered in the order they arrive. I intend to give preference to people who have loyally popped Persiphonia though they were non-connections. We autopop every night at midnight or as close to midnight as we remember to. AND NOW FOR THE LATEST NEWS … Tales of Persiphonia is now online! I am in the process of adding all of the tales from way back in the beginning, along with my personal tips for playing the game and other cool Persiphonia stuff. You can find us at Drop by often. Leave comments. We love to hear from you! I am almost up to date adding the old ones to the blog. Sincerely yours, Persiphone Hellecat, Mayor, Empress, Queen and Exaulted Grand Poobah of Persiphonia, Land of the Free and Home of the Bipolar. (We have an excellent medical plan that includes prescriptions!) A PROUD NO NUKES CITY!!! We are now SOLAR!!! Let the sun shine in!

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