Tabatha, Mayor of Towering Pines
This city was founded 4577 years, 4 months and 28 days ago!

Towering Pines

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The Towering Pines Wall

Tabatha Charron
Tabatha Charron
, mayor of
Towering Pines
over 15 years ago

ok thank you I appreciate the help

Charie D. La Marr
Charie D. La Marr
, mayor of
over 15 years ago

BTW Sandraa is right - put the word Metro in your friend requests. It also helps to include the name of your city and how often you POP - example 5/5 or 3/5 so the other city can decide whether or not to accept you based on your strength as a connection.

Charie D. La Marr
Charie D. La Marr
, mayor of
over 15 years ago

You have to send the person a friend request first and they have to accept. Once they do, go to connections and their image should be on the box where you can click on them and invite them to connect. 2 things - First of all do not ask a ton of people to become friends at one time. You cn only invite so many a day anyway to be friends and FB will suspend you for too many requests. Yeah, we know, it's stupid, but they do it. Secondly you dont have much money so don't try to get too many connex at first or you will bust your city trying to cover the autopop costs plus the cost to employ the people and keep them in services. It's better at first to start with a small number of connections and build a nice following of people who give you favors as well. Remember, people who autopop never actually visit your city. So they have no way of knowing if your happiness is low. People who give you favors do visit you and will make the decision as to whether to send you population or entertainment. That is a valuable service - especially when you aren't online to buy yourself happiness. It can keep you from striking and losing money. Hope that helps. Persi

Sandra Zovko
Sandra Zovko
, mayor of
over 15 years ago

You add connections by clicking their picture. Then you have to send a friend request with metro stated in it. Otherwise, people will ignore your invite. When that persons accepts the request, then you or he/she has to send an invite for the game.

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