Gerard, Mayor of Poggeville
This city was founded 4706 years, 3 months and 13 days ago!


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The Poggeville Wall

Renee Dean
Renee Dean
, mayor of
over 16 years ago

Metro connections would be great! Please in vite me & I can send the invitation. I also play Zoo, balckjack, Texas HoldEm, Yoville & attempting Mafia, Sreet Racing & Robin Hood. Havent really done much on those yet. Let me know if u r interested in any of them Thanks!

Sandy Hayes Herring
Sandy Hayes Herring
, mayor of
Twilight Saga
over 16 years ago

pop'd return fav

Charie D. La Marr
Charie D. La Marr
, mayor of
over 16 years ago

The movies are coming to Persiphonia! In fact, they are already here. A very large movie production company has chosen Persiphonia as the location to film a major movie—a spy thriller called Double Agent. The movie is “the story of two brothers—both spies on opposite sides of the Iron Curtain who meet for one final time, and only one can walk away.” I didn’t write that part—that comes from the movie poster. Right now, they are scouting around and picking locations to film various scenes. They know that we own three Golden Gate Bridges—one that goes north, one that goes south and one that is a bridge to nowhere. I learned about those when Sarah Palin paid me her infamous visit. Well, the bridge to nowhere will play heavily in the movie. So will our Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum. A lot of Persiphonians will appear as extras. The Mayor will have a little cameo appearance. Even the seals in our Town Square will have a little part in it. And here is the best part. The movie stars George Clooney. Yes, the Mayor is going to get another shot at him! This time, I have more moves planned than U-Haul. And I am making sure all the Korean nail salons are closed until he leaves. George doesn’t know what he’s getting into. Hopefully the Mayor’s private quarters. I have even gotten Feral a job as George’s gofer to keep an eye on him for me. Also starring in the movie is Catherine Zeta Jones. I have seen her, and let me tell you guys out there that she has curves in all the right places and plenty of them. And she is incredibly sexy, not to mention talented. The other night, she was sitting at the bar in her hotel and she actually tied a knot in the stem of her cherry with her tongue. You have to see the old guy she is married to. Looks like her grandfather. The third member of the cast who is already in Persiphonia is that pasty white kid who plays a vampire in that Twilight movie—Rob Pattinson. We have had to put him in hiding. For some reason, all the teenage girls are going ballistic over him. The poor kid can’t go anywhere in Persiphonia without some pack of wild teenage girls begging him to bite them. He’s okay I guess—if you find 22 year old boys attractive. He doesn’t do a thing for me. So, we have established the Persiphonian Movie Council to encourage other movies to film in our fair city. And already we have gotten some interest. We could very well be the next Hollywood, and you could end up paying 10 billion bucks for a Persiphonia sign instead of a Hollywood sign. We have already ordered 1 thousand yards of red carpet for movie premiers. Today, I am sending you one movie scout to check out your city and see if they can use it to make a movie in. Spiff the place up before they get there. Make sure you look your best. Movie crews and producers spend mucho dollars making movies. Think of the revenue. And for entertainment, a complete set of movies starring George Clooney plus a copy of the last episode of ER. Enjoy! Please remember to POP or Entertain us back often when you see us down. We have reached 1000 connections, but I am checking now and deleting those who do not autopop daily, so wait about a week and ask us again. I will ONLY connect to cities who send a friend request that contains the NAME OF THEIR CITY- not just ‘Metro”. I have already deleted over 150 names and replaced them and continue to do so a little at a time. I intend to give preference to people who have loyally popped Persiphonia though they were non-connections. We autopop every night at midnight or whenever we remember to. AND NOW FOR THE LATEST NEWS … Tales of Persiphonia is now online! I am in the process of adding all of the tales from way back in the beginning, along with my personal tips for playing the game and other cool Persiphonia stuff. You can find us at Drop by often. Leave comments. We love to hear from you! I am almost up to date adding the old ones to the blog. Sincerely yours, Persiphone Hellecat, Mayor, Empress, Queen and Exaulted Grand Poobah of Persiphonia, Land of the Free and Home of the Bipolar. (We have an excellent medical plan that includes prescriptions!) A PROUD NO NUKES CITY!!! We are now SOLAR!!! Let the sun shine in!

Renee Dean
Renee Dean
, mayor of
over 16 years ago

Looking for connections on Metro & Zoo Thanks!

Jim Malerk
Jim Malerk
, mayor of
over 16 years ago


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