Ben, Mayor of Marsh City
This city was founded 4492 years, 11 months and 9 days ago!

Marsh City

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The Marsh City Wall

Matthew J. Burke
Matthew J. Burke
, mayor of
Flower City Ny
over 15 years ago

Welcome, you have just joined the best game on facebook.

Veronica Antonio
Veronica Antonio
, mayor of
Gaia Spot Town
over 15 years ago

Welcome to Metro! I'm sending pop to the newer cities like yours so they can grow. You can return the favor by checking the cities in your feed, and populating or entertaining them. I cannot take in more connections for now, but if you pop every time you see my name in your feed, we can keep a steady chain of pops going on and help each others cities grow faster. It would be great if you can return the visit soon!

Natalie Thompson Lindquist
Natalie Thompson Lindquist
, mayor of
over 15 years ago

Welcome to Metro! I'm visiting new cities today and am leaving one of my citizens behind to help your city grow. Also to start you off on the right track I thought I’d let you know about some great FAQ that are out there. ">New Player Guide - This is a thread from the forum that outlines a strategy that will help get your city off on the right track. ">A great FAQ page made by a player. - It hasn’t been updated in awhile so be careful of the information involving the health index as that has been tweaked a bit. Otherwise this is a great reference. Good luck!

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