Peter, Mayor of Hindsville
This city was founded 4603 years, 7 months and 17 days ago!


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The Hindsville Wall

Sandra Zovko
Sandra Zovko
, mayor of
over 15 years ago

Please return favour by ent. Thanks.

Jill Gerenstein
Jill Gerenstein
, mayor of
over 15 years ago

So... Last night Duh Blondes decided to just go crazy and have FREE PIZZA for EVERYONE!!! It was wild. (I guess?) Though I am not really sure what happened? I was about to sit down and write last nights Daily post-and then Anna from">J">A">M">O">N stopped by with CASES of">J">A">M">O">N Tequilla so we could could give that FREE too! Everything is a bit hazy after that? Giggle I Know many POPPED by, and although things are back to "normal" (though is pretty much nuttin' "normal" in">Blondeopolis) things are back to duh usual fun n shenanigans? :-) All duh Blondez hope you will continue POPPING BY.. The">Blondeopolis Pizzeria featuring open MIC! Get your 15 minutes of fame! AND PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS- we always enjoy seeeing someone NEW at duh OPEN MIC! So please spread duh word! :-) Gold Member – ALL FAVORS RETURNED WITH A CLICK OF DUH RETURN ALL FAVORS BUTTON! If you have NOT heard: WIN FREE STUFF FROM DUH BLONDEOPOLIS PIZZERIA! STOP BY"> Terry's City, Bumbleroot & Play DUH TRIVIA GAME Winners Claim Free Prizes (Pizza, Beer, and or">J">A">M">O">N Tequilla! from duh">Blondeopolis Pizzeria! :-) (Since EVERYTHING was free Yesterday, All yesterdays winners prizes WILL be awarded today—stop by anytime! :-) COMING SOON! POSTS that INCLUDE DUH WINNERS- So don't forget to KEEP PLAYING! :-) Don't forget to stop by the "> BLONDEOPOLIS ROCKS FORUM to hear replays of original Lyrics of songs performed by Mayor BILL of "> Punsylvania Along with great songs written by Mayor Bill, of Punsylvania, You will also find songs there about many of the famous Mayors that are Blondeopolis regulars such as the great Mayor Ruri's city: Mayor Ruri did a great job Polishing duh Poles for last Fridays Show just before leaving on RL vacation! Please stop by "> Rutopia and be sure her people are happy while she is away! ALL VISITORS including connected visitors that stop by duh">Blondeopolis Pizzeria and step up to duh open mic are offered a “constellation” prize From Mayor Charity Grubs of"> Infinite Grace A FREE 3 NIGHT STAY AT THE INFINITE GRACE BURJ!!! SO POP On OVER there and REDEEM YOUR PRIZE! (She will RTF with duh Shiny Gold Button! :-) COMING THIS FRIDAY: As you may already know, Last Friday, Mandy's lil Alpaca's outfits got eaten by duh goats BEFORE the show... and they all got all confused and never really did get it together to perform the line dance they had rehearsed n rehearsed. They are once again practicing and I heard a rumor they are trying to get new (better) outfits that will hopefully be goat-proofed! They have duh Jamon Tequila under control and are also expected to try duh Line Dance again THIS Friday night (BEFORE duh POP)-CELBRATING Mayor Mandy's Cities 150th BIRTHDAY TOO! The city wants to change to a NEW CITY NAME—PLEASE POP BY "> Mandyville with suggestions or vote on some of the names already suggested on her wall! :-) Many of you may have realized that reality TRIED to creep into">Blondeopolis yesterday! SPECIAL THANKS TO Mayor Terri, of">Chihuahua Central Seems when reality was leakin into Blondeopolis, she & duh lil Chihuahua's were standing right there? PLEASE POP by her city.. convince her all is safe & that you want to see duh Chihuahua's performing on Friday night with Mandy's Zoochies! Duh Blondez were really saddened by all duh drama-- and so today instead of the typical Blondopoisanism we are going to share the answer to an age old question; A question that took so long over duh ages to answer, duh blondez feel it IS appropriate as a Blondoopolisianism –SO here is today's daily BLONDOPOLISIANISM : ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is leaning against the headboard smoking a cigarette, with a satisfied smile on its face. The egg, looking a bit pissed off, grabs the sheet, rolls over, and says, 'Well, I guess we finally answered THAT question.' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"> ALWAYS SEEKING 7/7 poppers for connect. PLEASE if you are not a 7/7 popper, please do not ask to connect? I am gold and will return all favors via duh button! I SEEK TRUE 7/7 poppers! Send Friend request INCLUDE METRO/CITY NAME & let me know if u are a GOLD MEMBER,(not required to connect but give priority)& state # times u usually pop/week. Write this info in Subject. Currently removing dead wood to add more connects so requested info is imperative! THANKS! (Currently at 1000 but getting rid of less active members... if you are willing to wait a little.. follow directions above) thanks!! (nothing in subject line will get no response from me, so follow the directions) If you have sent a request & haven not gotten a response... this is why.

Anna Howard
Anna Howard
, mayor of
No Mas Jamon Tequila
over 15 years ago

Come by and have a shot of Jamon Tequila ;0D

Lynne Jenkin
Lynne Jenkin
, mayor of
Gizmos Furry Butt
over 15 years ago

ent'd plz pop in rtf thanks x

Veronica Antonio
Veronica Antonio
, mayor of
Gaia Spot Town
over 15 years ago

Returning Favors to 1400+ unconnected cities daily." style="font:20px;color:#009966;font:Arial">POP and you'll be next!

Carole Neil
Carole Neil
, mayor of
over 15 years ago


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